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Ahoy hoy everyone,

Guess where I'm living now?!?!?!
I'll give you a small hint: it's our nation's capital. Situated on the banks of the Rideau Canal, it is home to suited politicians, lively immigrants, delicious farmer's markets, biligualism and... moi.

Suspenseful yes. Ok write down your answer and see if you're right.

Did you say Ottawa? You must be some kind of puzzle-solving idiot savant genius. Because that is where I have relocated.

I've never moved to a place within driveable distance of my home. So of course I overpacked like a mofo. Noah drove me from Toronto to Capital City on Wednesday. Sunny and shit hot, the town looked pretty awful from the highway. But once downtown and in my gorgeous new pad, it was all roses.

By 'gorgeous apartment' I of course mean foetid and shockingly decrepit DeathHaus. The house shudders whenever a truck rumbles by. It's exactly as studenty as I expected. But the roommate is delightful and rent is low.

What brought me to this pleasure town? The only thing keeping me from a life of petty crime - a job. My security clearance finally came through and I am now under the employ of her majesty's International Affairs Directorate. Much of what I do can't be discussed on the blog because it's sensitive info. You won't get me to divulge government secrets. But feel free to try bribery - in cookie or massage form, thanks.

So this is where I'm currently at. [parse that, Ms. Carrier!] More fun and frolic to follow.