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Woo. Yeeeah. All right, I know it was last week but a lady updates when the whimsy takes her. I don't play by no 'calendar rules'. That's why I carry a sundial and celebrate the solstice. Don't let those Gregorians tell you what to do. [Yes I got too much sun this weekend. How did you know?]

Pretend it's last week. Denise and Andria came to visit *happy dance*. It was a glorious time of parades and walking and hot dogs and
Sadly my cotton candy search went unfulfilled. Every crap merchant in the land descended on Capital City, yet I could not find a pink cloud of sugar to save my life. Now I'm jonesing for the pink stuff.

This one time! at Commie Camp! we had a carnival. Kids were split up into colour teams (remember it was unquestionably easy to have a Tie-dye team?). They completed tasks for rewards of fake paper money, "Zoonies". I think it was to teach us about the illusion of monetary value. At the end of the day, we were left with soggy coloured paper that was worth less than tech stocks. So lesson learned. Anywhoo, when I was a counsellor, I was entrusted with the duty of working the candy floss machine. Oh I was up for it. Spun sugar all day. When we ran out of paper cones, we used dirty sticks from the forest. This is what happens when parents entrust their babies to 16 year-old communists. At dusk, the machine was about to leave me forever. So I churned out 4 garbage bags full of cotton candy. To hide in my cabin and not share with the other(because I'm a terrible socialist). Later that night when it poured rain into our leaky log cabins, I barely regretted the sugar theft. Morning found me lying in bed like Ewen MacGregor in Trainspotting - crazy-eyed and shuddering. When that baby fell off the ceiling I tossed the cotton candy into the rain and vomited outdoors like the good lord intended. Stay away from County Fairs and Theme Parks is my advice to the kids. Stay away! Or the pink siren will get you too.