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More Canada Day adventures to come, but first...

101 in 1001

A to-do list of 101 things in 1001 days. That's quite a long time, but I've got to get cracking on this list. More will be added to my ever-evolving striving...

1. Trans Siberian Express. This has been my dream for at least 5 years. I want to go from the hot and dirty Communist Beijing to St. Petersburg heavy with history. Anria and I will definitely do this by 2008. I want to drink from Samovars and have soup dumplings along the Grea Wall.

2. Attend a stitch n' bitch in Ottawa. They have a great one called Spins and Needles where crafty ladies and boys meet up and share punk crafts. I'll be there. Hopefully they won't mock my needlepoint.

3. Freelance 10 articles.

4. Try a different (new) vegetable every week. Also: go to Farmer's Markets and see what's in season.

5. Get a massage and lose my fear of being pummeled to death. I've only had them in Thailand where... painful! I hate massages but am willing to change my mind.

6. Keep my bedroom floor uncluttered for 2 weeks. Consecutively. My parents are chuckling ruefully with this one. It CAN be done.

7. Rock climbing.

8. Speak French more fluently. By more I mean at all.

9. Throw a frisbee better. Stop hitting people immediately to my left, and actually toss the frisbee where it's supposed to go.

10. See Lenin's embalmed body before he totally decomposes or is buried.

11. Learn how to put on makeup.

12. Cooking classes.

13. Hold a full-time job. Not sure if I can complete this in 1001 days, what with my enduring wanderlust.

14. Visit California. So many people I love are there, along with citrus and beaches and fresh fruit and the sun. Get a tan and call it Rodeo Drive (like yee haw! rodeo). See movie stahs.

15. Reconnect with 3 friends. My friends have scattered across the earth -- I want to keep in touch with them. Don't let laziness win!

16. Make an earrings-holder. So they don't just fall to the bottom of my purse and get dented by the purse gods.

17. Buy sexy boots for winter. I love wearing skirts, but it gets to 25-below. Maybe this will help.

18. Blog twice a week. Don't worry about words falling out of your head, you'll have something to say.

19. Fight the need to own nothing. It won't kill me to buy a lamp or a couch. Stuff is not always an anchor holding you back.